Preserving the Rich History of Electronic Organs
Welcome to the Electronic Organ Historical Archive! This archive aims to preserve the history of instruments that use electronics to mimic the sound of the pipe organ.
Electronic instruments that mimic the sound of the pipe organ have been produced since the 1930's. These organs have used a variety of technologies to generate sound, ranging from specially-designed tone wheels to advanced computers and everything in between. With pipe organs tending to be very large and expensive, electronic organs have been the means for almost anyone to be able to play the King of Instruments - anywhere.
This site serves as an archive of the wonderful brands, some of whom no longer exist, and the beautiful instruments those brands produced (and continue to produce). We also hope those who are considering the purchase of a used instrument (or have been offered one for free) find this archive useful in finding information on their potential acquisition.
Interested in Contributing?
This website is offered for free to members of the community, but we need your help in making sure the archive is as comprehensive as possible. If you're interested in being a contibutor, please click the "Submissions" link in the main menu for more information.
Thanks for visiting, and enjoy your stay!

In The Archive...

Unique Organ Models
(386 Have Photos)

The Latest Update...

The website will launch on March 1. Once it launches, we'll start posting updates!
Page design Copyright © 2020-2024 The Electronic Organ Historical Archive Team.
Instrument photographs remain the property of the original photographers and are identified accordingly.
All rights under this copyright are reserved.